Johnathan East Next Big Independent Superstar

Johnathan East grew up in Clay County, Alabama, and has been playing guitar and singing since the age of  twelve. Honing his skills on tailgates and front porches. Johnathan began writing songs about life in the Rural South, mostly true stories, not always changing the names to protect the guilty. Before long, he was getting called for every street fest, wedding reception, birthday party, and turkey shoot in five counties. He started playing restaurants and supper clubs for tips, and eventually became the hotest solo act in the region. He has achieved several awards over the last few years along with performing his original music at The Bluebird Café and Tootsie’s in Nashville, Tennessee. Johnathan has fronted area bands such as Bullet Train from Dadeville, Alabama and Vintage Radio of the West Georgia area before joining forces with The Crossroads Band near the end of 2009, later changing the name to simply the Johnathan East Band.

You can find one of Johnathan’s big hits ” American Boy” available for free download on Wildhorse Entertainment right now by clicking on the banner below. Johnathan has agreed to let Wildhorse feature more of his music on free download, and the next Johnathan East song should be available on Wildhorse Entertainmet within the week or so.

Right click and save as to download

You can also find out more about Johnathan East by clicking on the links below

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