Lee Marcus #13 On The RMR Bluegrass Chart

Just wanted to let yall know that Lee Marcus CD made it to #13 this week on the RMR Bluegrass chart. Lee is thankful for the continued support he gets from his fans and escpecially from Wildhorse Entertainment! 

Click on the banner below to download the song that keeps putting Lee Marcus’s CD on the charts, Carolina Dreams. He also has a Brand new music video with lots of Carolina scenery.

Right click and save as to download


Lee Marcus: Lead Vocal; Banjo; Guitar

Christian Ward: Fiddle

Aaron Ramsey: Mandolin

Jason Moore: Bass

Harmony Vocals

Cia Cherryholmes & Jim VanCleve

No Comments to Lee Marcus #13 On The RMR Bluegrass Chart

  1. I just love this song Lee, If I was to hear Bluegrass for the first time this the songis the one I would have wanted to hear first to convert me. You are a star and deserve everything that comes your Bluegrass way. To top it all off with Blue is a great color, and grass is so wonderful to look at and walk on, and Bluegrass music just covers that all 100% Keep on sending us your news we want to hear from you.