Bradford Files: Do You Know What an EPK is ?

An EPK is an electronic press kit.  The opinions of why they are so efficient in today’s music industry are varied but here is a brief summary: A talent buyer or record producer can play the DVD Electronic Press Kit and in 8-10 minutes check out the artist’s appearance, pitch, stage presence, and how well the artist conducts himself during an interview.  How can all of that be accomplished by listening to someone’s CD?    We all know that it can’t. A good EPK should be available upon request on DVD and should contain at least one fast song and a slow one as well.  It should also contain a brief interview in order to show the artist’s personality.  You would have to submit a photo, a CD, a biography, your contact information, and some kind of performance video to match what can be accomplished with one DVD copy of your EPK.

The Bradford Files supplied by Keith Bradford Nashville Tennessee. Email Keith at

No Comments to Bradford Files: Do You Know What an EPK is ?

  1. In the USA I assume most know what an EPK is yet worldwide it may be breaking news for some. Thank you for making the information available to all. I think in time to come people will go through the Bradford File and read about the music industry as it was in the early parts of this century and learn from it. As time sometimes changes many things yet somehow everything still seems the same, there are just a new generation of opinions. Maybe in 2099 someone will say, “I cant believe you have you never read the Bradford Files”