W.C.Taylor Gives Up The Club Scene

W.C.Taylor began his musical career playing in clubs in the Southern States of the USA. although he also played in many large venues he finally realized that the Club scene just wasn’t what he had expected it to be. The next step for W.C. was to record some of his original songs with his band “The Mississippi River Bottom Band” in various studio’s in Jackson, Mississippi and Memphis Tennessee. W.C. is also proud to have been able to record a Country Album in Nashville, TN. Many of W.C’s songs have been played world wide and have appeared on International charts including among others “Wildhorse Entertainment’s Independent Superstar Charts”. He is currently in the studio recording a new album of Rock and Roll Country songs that will be out this Spring. W.C. speaks with pride as he mentions that one of his albums “Moving Ahead” was picked up by Super D One-Stop. If you would like a free copy of one of W.C. Taylor’s hit songs you can download one of W.C.’s hits absolutely free at Wildhorse Entertainment the home of Independent Superstars  To contact W.C. Taylor send mail to  wctaylorjr@hughes.net

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