James Marvell on Raw Deal

James Marvell’s true RAW DEAL Story starts Dec 4th, 2011 and goes to Dec. 20th at: www.myrawdeal.com You can vote for James at www.myrawdeal.com however only 1 vote per computer is accepted. Special promotions by Super Promoters RHONBOB and James Allen added that your votes for James Marvell greatly appreciated. What you can see in Episode 3 is the re-enactment at Waylon Jenning’s home in 1970 plus, James Marvell at a Jimi Hendrix party in the ’60s. James Marvell a true Independent Country Music Superstar. His music is also available at www.wildhorse.co.za for free promotional download.

No Comments to James Marvell on Raw Deal

  1. Frans,

    Thanks for the Raw Deal promotion in your great looking news release…….

    Have a blessed Christmas Season!

    James Marvell
    P.S. Merry Christmas to you and family