Today’s Inspiration Station With Rhonnie Scheuerman

Rhonnie Scheuerman’s Inspiration Station For All

In Need This morning during the Christmas Season


The 12 Days Of Friendship They Came Bearing Gifts (In Secret)

The FIRST one arrived a mystery package was waiting for me when I came home from my friend’s holiday tear party. I’d had to excuse myself early.  Everything from the decorations to the happy ladies at my table reminded me of my husband. exactly 12 days before Christmas. A plain white paper bag right outside my front door.

The mystery package was waiting  for me when I came home from my friend’s holiday tea party. I’d to excuse myself early. Every  thing from the decorations to the happy ladies at my table reminded me of my husband, Tom who’ passed away that summer.  I’d hope getting out of the house would take my mind off him.  Instead II was overcome with memories of our 54th year marriage.  Tom had been my childhood sweetheart, the boy next door. We’d built a happy life together.  And he loved Christmas more than anything.  We anticipated it’s arrival its arrival each year like two kinds.

I’d left the party in tears.  But not before I asked another widow if the holidays would ever get any easier.  “Not really,” she said.  “You will just learn to celebrate differently. I thought  she means celebrate alone. I was still thinking about that when I got back home.  Then I saw the bag sitting there.the leaves  of a white poinsettia  plant sticking out.  I carried it into the house and read the typed note .  “On the first day of Christmas your true friend gave to you: A poinsettia plant  just for you!”. no signature.

I set the flowers on my kitchen table, the only Christmas touch around.   Someone was mighty thoughtful.

The next morning I opened my front door to get the newspaper.  There , on the bench by the door, was another plastic bag.  Another poinsettia! I thought ..  But no this bag container two bags of candy- turlle  clusters to be exact- with a note: “On the second day of Christmas, your true friends give to yo: Two turtle clusters, and a poinsettia just for you

Now I had to laugh. Could my secret gift-giver be one of my sons, orchestrating this from afar ?


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