MCG: Nashville Waterparks Not Swim In Our Country

031 MCG GenericGhost


Country Music Has Way Too Much Competition

Why are the Waterparks Not Playing Country Music?  If I was In Charge They Would

Its your fault there's no Country Music Playing at the waterparks
Its your fault there’s no Country Music Playing at the Nashville Waterparks

The Music City Ghost [File #35] 2015: There is no argument that this Summer has been one of the hottest on record in Nashville.  The scorching temperatures has driven thousands of folks looking for a way to cool off. A very popular destination is just minutes east of downtown Nashville.  It is called Nashville Shores and with their huge water slides, multiple swimming pools, food stands, picnic tables and of course Percy Priest Lake, there seems to be no let up on the number of visitors flocking there daily.  With all of these things I mentioned you may have noticed I didn’t include Country Music.  That is because there isn’t any there.  The multiple speakers placed all around the grounds are booming with familiar Lite Rock sounds to add to the already noisy sounds of children playing in the water.   If you are looking for a great place to enjoy the water and the sunshine this is the place. If you are looking to hear Country Music this is not the place for you.  All the while attractions like this are packed to capacity, there are a few Country Music shows on Music Valley Drive offering their brand of entertainment to an audience of 100 people or less.  Is it any wonder why DOLLYWOOD and the surrounding venues in Pigeon Forge Tennessee are doing so well?  They are offering Country Music and water attractions all at the same time.  The older folks can hear the music they love while the Grand Kids can splash all they want to in the wave pool.  Nashville will not give in and offer this same amenity.  They would rather have the millions of dollars being spent for that kind of entertainment going somewhere else than offer it in Music City.  

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