Thursday’s Likileake With Keith On WHISNews21


A Likileake by definition, is a word describing a story that was never intended to be published, yet found it’s way to the editorial columns of an Internet Online News Paper namely WHISNews21 run by Frans Maritz out of South Africa. A Likileake is not to be confused with the now already famous Wikileaks, which divulges secret government and sometimes harmful information. A Likileake on the other hand is a name coined by Frans Maritz of Wildhorse Entertainment and WHISNews21 to describe situations and open up about information that people think about everyday but never really feel comfortable to want to talk about. Likileaks have become so popular on WHISNews21 that they have in collaboration with Keith Bradford of the Nashville Broadcasting Radio Network, created short 10 minute radio programs divulging Likileaks to the public. This show is now in syndication to Internet Radio Stations, AM and FM terrestial radio stations, as well as College Radio stations. It is worldwide and is so popular that WHISNews21 and NBRN.FM have decided to produce hundreds of these 10 minute radio shows about the Likileaks and call it The Keith Bradford Likileaks Radio Show.

This Likileake asks have ever heard of the e-mail stenographer?


stenographerE-mail stenographer: It seems like a lot of business people can’t be bothered typing an e-mail these days.  With the e-mail stenographer software, all a person has to do is say out loud what he wants the e-mail to say.  There is no need for spell checker, because it automatically displays the correct spelling of each word. 

The secretary that once was capable of take a dictation letter at the speed of so many words a minute is no longer needed.   All the practice once needed to learn those curvy lines and squiggles that only she could read and type into the body of a letter for her boss is now an ancient profession. 

This software was first introduced years ago as a tool for the visually impaired.  It has been modified and improved a hundred times over since it was first introduced.  Now all we need is someone to take out the trash upon demand.  Have you seen some of the new robots being built in Japan?  We already have a vacuum cleaner that will clean your whole living room while you sit and watch it do it for you.


If you are an Independent Artist and would want your songs featured on one of “Keith Bradford’s Likileakes Radio Shows” you are most welcome to contact him at This show is broadcast worldwide on various internet radio shows and you could be the featured artist on one of those special shows.


Likileakes Translated for Our German readers by Patty Patrick to follow

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