Marty Martel Prayer Line This Thursday February 21

martymartelprayer2013If you have a prayer or a thought that you want to mention here or send to someone who you believe is deserving please use my column to reach special people who would go out of their way to say a special prayer on your behalf for that someone you care about – Marty Martel

WHISNews21 Prayer Line and thoughts for this Thursday ending February 21, By Marty Martel..


ThursdayContinue to keep in your thoughts and prayers Grand Ole Opry and Hall of Famer Jean Shepard.  

Marty, I am going for surgery and extraction of a deep molar by a great Oral Surgeon on Saturday Morning……He is Dr. Robin Daniels, and here is the reason for having this done……there is a virus abcess deep in the gum at the very end of one of the two large roots, and my regular dentist Cordell Chaffin instructed me to have it removed right away, because if the infection should get into my blood stream……..It could very well be fatal. Please add me to your prayer partners, and ask our great Savior to come to our rescue……Thank you Marty and everyone else that you call on, to please pray that all will go well, and God Bless you for your petitions to our Lord! Sincerely, Don Chapel 

Marty, I am asking for prayers for my daughter, Debbie. I just found out yesterday that she has been having leg pain for 3 months, but yesterday morning it was very painful and swollen. She went to the ER. They took xrays and found a spot on the bone. And told her that a spot on the bone like that usually is bone cancer. The Dr said she needs an MRI, but she has to go to her primary Dr, etc, etc. Need lots of prayers!!! – Maggie

WHEN YOU KNEEL TO PRAY: Our sad world needs a lift today; Remember when you kneel to pray To ask Our Blessed Lord, above, to shed His mercy and His love. Crime is rampant everywhere and hard times have brought despair; Dread diseases known to some can’t easily be overcome. The homeless line our city streets and even the strong admit defeat; Smiles are few and far between, life seems to have lost its sheen. Drought and floods have left their mark and our children fear the dark; Wars which we can’t understand wreak havoc on a foreign land. Gloom and misery fill the air, non-believers fail to care; Only God can end our plight, so trust and pray with all your mightCatherine Janssen Irwin


 If you have anyone you would like to send a prayer out to please mail them to

for inclusion in to WHISNews21 weekly prayer line initiated by Marty Martel

in the interest of goodwill to all in need of a little help by the way of a prayer


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