Elvis Presley Born January 8, 1935 and Died ????

Elvis Presley Born January 8, 1935. Died ????

Born In A Two-Room Home His Parents Gladys & Vernon Built The Previous Year

The biggest question being asked every year around the world by millions of Elvis Presley fans, is the King Of Rock ‘n Roll really dead? Well is he? Yes, he is really dead, no, he is still pretty much alive, well in which category do you fall in. Now for me, I don’t know, but I would really want to believe he is still alive, don’t you? Oh, come on, if you wish he were dead, you are one of the few non-Elvis fans, and truth be told I have not met one Elvis fan who wishes he was not still alive. The internet is full of articles and even some pictures of Elvis Sighting all over the world, even at your local Walmart. So with all the so-called proof of “The King Of Rock ‘n Roll still being alive, then why do some believe he passed away just over 40 years ago, on August 16, 1977. I mean did he or didn’t he perform live, well sort of, with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra just the other day. All I can say is if he is still alive we wish him well and grant him the peace he so very well deserved and organized for himself, while still thanking him for the music that rocked the world.

Well, do you believe he is dead or alive? 

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[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZpcvaky0-E]

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