MusicCityGhost:  Music Business ABC’s

MusicCityGhost: Music Business ABC’s

How many singers watch the various awards shows and feel in their mind that they are every bit as good as those award winners?

Did you ever stop to wonder on a worldwide scale how many singers watch the various awards shows and feel in their mind that they are every bit as good as those award winners?  99% of those dreamers are just that, dreamers living in la-la land.  I recently talked to a singer who has been singing for 9 years.  I asked him what PRO (Performing Rights Organization) he was a member of.  He said, “I guess none, I don’t even know what a PRO is.”  I told him that’s ok and proceeded to ask him a few more questions just to see how much he knew and didn’t know about the ABC’s of the Music Business.  I next asked him if he was a member of AFTRA (The American Federation of Television and Radio Artists)  and of course, once again his reply was he didn’t know what AFTRA is.  My final question for him as if he had a mechanical license for the cover tunes he had on his CD that he was selling off the bandstand.  I got the same answer.  He had no clue of what a mechanical license was and had never even heard of such a thing.  If you are in the Music Business and don’t know your ABC’s how in the world can you proceed to the next level?  How can you compete against the millions of others in your field if they have the knowledge and you don’t?  I am not saying every singer in the world needs to enroll in a Music Business college course but if you plan on staying in a highly specialized field of employment at least learn your ABCs.

– The Music City Ghost



No Comments to MusicCityGhost:  Music Business ABC’s

  1. If this article wasn’t so true it would be funny. Learning your ABC’s of the music business is one thing but some musicians are considered people who can’t count past 4.
    Keith Bradford
    NBRN (Nashville Broadcasting Radio Network)

    • Hey Keith
      Thanks for all your patience and help. I am still learning.. rough but fun.. again thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  2. what I am in question about is the encoding for radio airplay royalties and I think I understand the bar codes for selling and distribution. And, then, why does a publisher get to remain on your work if that publisher isn’t trying to promote or help furthur your music that includes their 100% ? Good article. Thank you