MCG: Weird Mother’s Day and Father’s Day gifts

MusicCityGhost: Weird Mother’s Day and Father’s Day gifts

A Gift Doesn’t Always Come Gift Wrapped Or Does It ?

According the National Retail Federation statistics in 2018, both Mother’s Day spending and Father’s Day spending was in the billions. Gifts for the two occasions included but were not limited to cards, candy, flowers, dinners, neck ties, etc.

I asked one Mom on my street what she got for Mother’s Day and she said, “I asked my son to stop drinking.” He very reluctantly agreed to stop drinking for 1 month and she said it was the best gift she could ever hope for.

My next adventure was to ask a Dad or two what they got for Father’s day. The answer I liked the best was this one. “My son and daughter-n-law came by and mowed my lawn and helped me put up a new flood light in my back yard.”

I realize the local restaurants, retail merchants, and candy shops are not fond of this answer but it just goes to show you that sometimes the gifts that cost the least are the one’s most desired by people. Don’t place the value of a gift by it’s price. Sometimes you can make a person very happy by just listening to their needs and trying to full fill their desire. It doesn’t always come gift wrapped

– The Music City Ghost [File#2018/11]


No Comments to MCG: Weird Mother’s Day and Father’s Day gifts

  1. They are both monumental shopping days, and be aware that if you don’t call your Mom and Dad, if you still can, on those day’s, the money people have made sure they will be terribly sad, depressed,dissaponted and perhaps even upset if you dont.