Obama Rated Worst President In US History

obama-againObama Rated 5th Best President In Our History

In email received by Barbara Blevins and forwarded to our Email Outpost for publication     

From a total of 44 US Presidents: Obama rated 5th best president ever.

The Democratic publicity release said,”…

after a little more than 5 years, Americans have rated President Obama the 5th best president ever.”

The details according to White House Publicists:

Reagan & Lincoln tied for first,

23 presidents tied for second,

17 other presidents tied for third,

Jimmy Carter came in 4th,

and Obama came in fifth

The above is an email received by Barbara Blevins and forwarded to our Email Outpost for publication

No Comments to Obama Rated Worst President In US History

  1. Someone must be smoking crack to think he is good for anything, The title says it right! Obama is the worse president in US history!!!