Important Information Requested Regarding Irene


Updated Information Regarding Irene Sent in from Dr. Skip Moen

Since most of the contributions were, up to now, made  by Dr Moen’s American readers, we have been using his  SA account : “ AT GODS TABLE SA” for donations.

irene6Please make your donation to the At Gods Table South African bank account, with your NAME and IRENE as reference. At Gods Table is a USA  NPO (  501c3 non-profit organization). But still needs to be registered in South Africa.

More info concerning Irene is available on Skip’s website: – search : Irene. Donations can also  be made via paypal on his website.

We are planning on a long term support  for Irene, therefore we allocated a fixed monthly amount for now. It is a priority to help pay for her running expenses such as club registration, travel expenses, shoes etc., except where funds are needed for medical reasons.

Payments are made on the basis of receipts received from Pastor Lourens Groenewald who is trusted by the family: who is now the official spokesperson for Irene and her family.

Also note that initial funds were raised to motivate Irene in her running only, since this is what she loves doing and not to provide her with a mansion on the hill.

Banking details:

At Gods Table SA

Nedbank , Kroonstad

Current: 1010212370

Branch: 112436 

Translated into Afrikaans for South African Friends of Irene:

DSC_0214SAangesien die meeste skenkings tot dusver  deur Dr Skip Moen se Amerikaanse lesers gedoen is, gebruik ons  sy  SA bankrekening: AT GODS TABLE SA .

Sit ASB jou NAAM en IRENE as verwysing.” At Gods Table”  is Dr Skip Moen se  Amerikaanse NPO organisasie (501c3), maar moet nog in SA geregistreer word.  Vir meer inligting i.v.m Irene, besoek Skip se website: en search: Irene.  Skenkings kan ook via paypal direk  op sy  webblad gedoen word

Aangesien ons beplan om Irene oor so n lang as moontlike tydperk te ondersteun, is n vasgestelde bedrag maandeliks vir Irene beskikbaar. Die bedrag word eerstens vir haar hardloop uitgawes gebruik, behalwe as daar ander noodsaaklikhede soos mediese uitgawes is, wat eerste aandag moet kry. Betaal van uitgawes is onderhewig aan kwitansies gelewer deur pastor Lourens Groenewald , n vertrouling van die familie : en nou ons tussenganger vir die familie.

Let wel dat die oorspronklike fonds begin is om Irene te motiveer en aan te spoor in haar sport  en nie om haar as sulks te onderhou nie