Fans And Supporters Don’t Always See The Struggle Faced By Those Chasing a Musical Path

Musicians, and songwriters, are some of the most driven, courageous, people on the face of the earth. They deal with more day-to-day rejection in one year. than most people do in a lifetime. Also, and everyday, they face the financial challenges of living a freelance lifestyle. With many disheartening moments. of feeling disrespected, by people who, in fact, love what they experience. at the time. and often share how they were affected, and yet also think, that being a musician isn’t a “real job” and that musicians do not contribute, and should, in addition to investing there entire being, and life, must also have a “real job”. Sadly, they are half right. And at the same time, live with the constant fear, that they will never work again.

Every day, they have to ignore the possibility, that the vision they have dedicated their lives to, is a pipe dream. With every note, they stretch, or lyrics they write. themselves, emotionally, and physically, risking criticism, and judgment.
With every passing year, many of them watch, as the other people their age achieve, the predictable milestones, of normal life – the car, the family, the house, the nest egg. Why? Because musicians are willing to give their entire lives to a moment – to share that melody, that lyric, that chord, or that interpretation, that will stir the audience’s soul. And maybe to make a small difference in their lives.

It’s within the musician’s song, that tells stories, in order to heal, to laugh, to dance, to cry, to vent, to challenge, to take pride, to celebrate, to grieve. to question, to learn, and yes to mate and, most of all, to share. A song is of no use if no one can hear it, or feel it. Musicians are beings, who have tasted life’s nectar, and poison. And within that crystal moment, when they pour out their creative spirit, and the whole band, is alive within that moment, and to feel they have touched, another’s heart. It is within that instant, they were as close to magic, God, and perfection as anyone could ever be. And in their own hearts, they know that to dedicate oneself to that moment, is worth a thousand lifetimes.
”To be a musician or a songwriter, is truly a labor of love.. this is so true. The fans, and supporters don’t always see the struggle faced by those, chasing a musical path.”

I started writing my 1st song at the age of 16… at the age of 56, I am still trying to make a go of it, in some way, shape, or form, with 357 songs, written to date, but not all recorded. I’m constantly pouring more money into it, than I may ever get in return. writing songs is my passion. and also calms an over thinking mind full of anxieties, and depression. so it’s like a medicine that keeps me, some what sane, 1 song at a time.
I may never, ever be an Elvis Presley, and Ozzy Osborne, or a Johnny Cash… but I am a Rob Matthews, and my music will always allow me to be, me it allows me to express myself, and my thoughts, and believe in myself, when not everyone does, or has. and lets me chase my musical dreams, down this path, to who knows where?
Perhaps the only thing, I will ever find with my music, is just peace of mind. and in today’s world. that is worth more than money itself.
– Published by WHISNews21 with kind permission of The Author Rob Matthews
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