Before Your Workout…They Say Read This!

healthfood001What You Eat Before and After a Workout Can Help You

Build Muscle, Improve Endurance and Speed Up Recovery


mustread_title_nov_highBefore your workout…

Oats with almond milk and whey protein: Oats and almond milk provide a slow release of energy, which is important to keep you going at a steady pace throughout your workout. Whey protein contains essential amino acids to increase endurance during workouts, and is crucial for muscle growth and maintenance.

Banana bread with sugar-free peanut butter:This meal is great for sustained energy, and contains enough carbohydrates to last for an hour’s worth of training. Bananas are high in potassium, which can help reduce muscle soreness and exercise-induced fatigue. The healthy fats from the peanut butter are good for a quick energy boost, and can prevent muscle breakdown.

Chicken breast, sweet potato, and avocado: Chicken is a good source of muscle-building protein. Sweet potato is a healthy form of carbohydrate, plus it has a low glycaemic index, which can maximise your body’s fat-burning potential. Avocado provides energy, and helps maintain insulin levels.

After your workout…

Blend whey protein and skim milk to replenish your muscles. Avoid 2% or full cream milk as the fat slows down the absorption of the protein and carbs in the milk. You can also mix whey with water instead. Other ways to get your whey in is by adding it to pancakes or smoothies.

Avoid anything with fat after any type of training session. This will slow the absorption of vital nutrients and glycogen to depleted muscles, which is important for optimal muscle repair and recovery.


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