Ten Ways To Stay Healthy This Winter

Woman In Snow10 Ways to Stay Healthy this Winter

With the change of season and the colder weather approaching, coughs and sniffles may begin. While it is often difficult to avoid the viruses that cause colds and flu, if your body is at it’s strongest, you are more likely to fight them off before they settle in, and recover faster if you do get a cold or flu.

1. Have a flu injection before winter
2. Eat a balanced, healthy and varied diet
3. Supplement your diet with a good multivitamin
4. Exercise regularly, unless you are sick
5. Get some fresh air and sunshine
6. Get enough sleep – 7 to 8 hours a night
7. Use a humidifier when you are sleeping
8. Wash your hands regularly
9. Drink plenty of water
10. Avoid contact with sick people

– Liberty Well Being

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