Sad News As Bill Carlisle Jr. Dies A Hero


 “Bill Carlisle Jr. A Hero in my Book” – Marty Martel


Sad News continues to haunt country music. Bill Carlisle Jr. passed away December 1, 2012 at approximately 7:30. Please keep his wife June and their family in your prayers and prayer lines during this great loss.

  For Family and Friends of Bill Carlisle Jr. Please Read the Following from

My Friend Roger Ball regarding Bill Carlisle Jr:


BillCarlisleJrMaritz02Bill was a member of Madison Church of Christ. The minister, Phil Barnes, made the announcement this morning. He also told this story.

Madison has been involved in building clean water wells in Africa. Estimated 5 children die each day from bad water.

An auction was held to raise money for more wells to be built. Bill,who was an avid motorcyclist, donated a small bike that he had purchased to help with the fund raiser. Phil said he tried to start the bike all day and wasn’t successful.

A man said he would purchase the bike if he could hear it running. A call was made to Bill who promptly informed them of a kill switch. They got the bike started so the man purchased it.

Bill was riding the bike to the man’s house to deliver it when he wrecked and caused his spinal injury. He was doing his part to help save lives and eventually lost his own life in the service of others. Bill was a hero in my book.



Article Marty Martel

No Comments to Sad News As Bill Carlisle Jr. Dies A Hero

  1. Sonovabeach! I had heard that Bill was in the music business and decided to see what was on the net about him. More and more I am finding that former friends are no longer with us!! Knew Bill when he was a kid (’55-’57)and at that he time had no interest in music even though his father was a relatively popular entertainer. The family, Bill Jr., and sister Sheila, lived on Pafford Drive (second house on right off Preston) in Englewood. Bill demonstrated more of an intellectual bent so I was surprised to learn that he had followed in his fathers’ footsteps into music. He was a good kid and had a somewhat reserved personality that tended toward the intellectual so he was bright. He had a Vespa scooter in ’em days!!! Rather ironic that both he and his sister died in vehicle accidents. Maybe I ought’a quit trying to find information on people I’ve known.