Make List Of Things To Do Before End Of This Year

Share Your Thoughts With The World About What You Still Want To Do Before This Year Bites The Dust

Why don’t you post your list of things to do before the end of the year in our comments section? Maybe there will be some people who will find the time to comment on them and give you a chance to determine whether they were worthwhile ot not

I have looked at some of the comments on Google about this topic and found some of them to be pretty crazy and alarming. But then I suppose it may be because some people believe the world will end soon. I mean it certainly looks like it, but we just dont want to believe that . So my number one task on my list of things to do, you would all probably find pretty strange too.

I would really want go to some of the people whom I’ve spent the most time with, and believed to be my best friends, and ask them why they didn’t tell me years ago that either they were just using me for information or they didn’t really care about forming a lifelong friendship with me. For if they did, my valuable time would have been better spent on the people who cared for me, instead of on those who didn’t. Then there are a few really good friends I’ve made over the past 10 years who I’ve never even met personally, but who have grown to be as close to me as a true friend can be, and I appreciate them very much.

Although the world is in a mess, I plan to surround myself with the good people I know. Truth to be told with those good friends around me, I will enjoy the next year and be happy and content all year long. Your comments will be appreciated……

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