It’s A Hate Crime Only Because It Nails The Culprits?
Woman claims racist flyers were posted at apartment complex
A woman claimed to have found racist flyers posted at an Irvine, Calif. apartment complex Friday,
but building managers said they had nothing to do with the postings.

A UCI student found the note in the elevator at her Toscana apartment complex. The flyer, seen in the picture above, left residents horrified.
“We would also like to remind our African-American residents to keep conversation down and reduce music levels between 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM,” the paper read.
Mary Linder of Equity Residential said the flyer was fake and was not created by anyone at Equity Residential, the management company that runs the Toscana apartment complex. “Obviously we’re outraged. We are investigating where this flyer was created and how it came about.”
The student who first noted the flyer wanted to remain anonymous, but she told KTLA that “whether it was management or not, even if it was by the residents, there still should be some type of investigation going on.”
The Irvine Police Department said it is investigating this as a possible hate incident.
Blacks are notoriously noisy and get belligerent when asked to turn it down. They are addicted to bass in many cases and could care less who else it affects. Even if management didn’t actually put up that flyer, the reason for it is widespread. Hispanic culture is another big source of noise.
Those who’d change the subject to noisy whites (far less of a problem per capita) are ignoring a distinct difference in the impulsiveness and chronic nature of black noise.