A Minute With God On This Good Friday

A Minute With Our God of Heaven And Earth This Good Friday
Most people hardly have time for Our God. Yet God loves us and will always bless us. He is always with us
If you are to spend the next minute or so of your time with our God to just praise him without praying, can you do that and can you do that right now? You know you could do it anywhere if you wanted to, or you could do it right here right now. Just read some of the interesting statements added below from an email we received from Barbara Blevins which she collected early this morning at our WHISNews21 email outpost in a small town in New Mexico, USA.
Why are prayers getting smaller, but bars and clubs are expanding? Why is it so easy to worship a celebrity, but very difficult to engage with God?
If God has opened doors for you, it could only be because he believed you needed them open. If not, he would keep them closed, but can we always accept that and why not? We should ……
God has no Blackberry but he is most everyone’s favorite contact. He is not on FACEBOOK but he is a best friend to all. He is not on TWITTER but he has the most followers, nor is He on Gmail or WhatsApp but he’s always online. Then there is the INTERNET that we all seem not to be able to live without these days to stay connected, well our God does not even need the INTERNET to stay connected to us, as he connected to us anyway. Thank Goodness for that, don’t you think.
God has been very good to me; He has given me a wonderful family, great friends and so much more! No gift is more needed by a dying world than a living Savior. God’s gift to the world is the life-giving Savior. There are many who would disagree with the above but there are many more who would agree to every word printed above.
Easter is not just about the wonderful and delicious chocolate Easter eggs,
it is so much more and only some of us can really see that,
Are You One Of Us?
Christians stop using God’s name in vain you may think its OK but It’s Not
Frans,,,,THANK YOU for A Minute With Our God of Heaven And Earth This Good Friday! I just saw it. It filled my heart with the beautiful way it is written. May you and your family remain blessed and serve Jesus with all your hearts. You do so much to open our eyes to Jesus. Your friendship means a lot to Bob and me and many other folks. Rhon …Also loved the clip art. Thanks for the clip art I had in today’s Inspirational column.