Wyn Machon Tell’s It Like It Is On WHISNews21

WynMachonColumn001Wyn Machon Tell’s It Like It Is On WHISNews21

After a devastating 7.8 earthquake the country’s still getting some bad after shocks

WynMachonColumn002A new study of State Highway 1. Experts say it could be as long as six months before the road will be open to traffic. There is an alternative route but it is a longer way to travel.

This road closure will not only effect travelers for the coming Christmas holidays, but the towns effected, the shops, hotels, motels, cafe’s, etc etc. the over all costs are the hidden ones. No work for some means no income this means hard times for families.

When all is up and running we take so much for granted, its times like this that we should all take stock and be thankful for what we have.

Our lives and our families lives are more precious than material things. Roads can be fixed, buildings rebuilt, but a life lost is a tragedy and can never be replaced …. Look after one another …

May all your days be sunny ones .. Wyn

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