Rhon’s Wednesday Inspiration From Jesus Calling

Messages received by Rhon at the Inspiration Station from “Jesus Calling”
and published here to inspire you on this new day
Let Me show you My way for you this day. I guide you continually, so you can relax and enjoy My Presence in the present. Living well is both a discipline and an art. Concentrate on staying close to Me, the divine Artist. Discipline your thoughts to trust Me as I work My ways in your life. Pray about everything; then, leave outcomes up to Me. Do not fear My will, for through it I accomplish what is best for you. Take a deep breath and dive into the depths of absolute trust in Me. Underneath are the everlasting arms!
Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray. In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.
—Psalm 5:2–3
The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. He will drive out your enemy before you, saying, “Destroy him!”
—Deuteronomy 33:27
This article today was very helpful for me with all I’m going through now….it came at just the right time. Thanks so much sharing it … love the scripture and picture too! Blessings, Judy