Marty Martel Prayer Line This Thursday March 14

martymartelprayer2013If you have a prayer or a thought that you want to mention here or send to someone who you believe is deserving please use my column to reach special people who would go out of their way to say a special prayer on your behalf for that someone you care about – Marty Martel

WHISNews21 Prayer Line and thoughts for this Thursday ending March 14, By Marty Martel..



The following was sent to me from my dear friend Leslie Elliott, who is Executive Director of R.O.P.E.

It surely is my thought today and every day, but this says it so much better.

UNTIL WE E-MAIL AGAIN. . .  I don’t know who initiated this, but it is beautiful! Today is a gift of grace. Share something precious with someone you love. Take 60 seconds to be nice to someone. Rejoice in the miracles of your life. Identify one thing you’re happy about. Be glad you have family and friends. SMILE: Be grateful, you can!

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 If you have anyone you would like to send a prayer out to please mail them to

for inclusion in to WHISNews21 weekly prayer line initiated by Marty Martel

in the interest of goodwill to all in need of a little help by the way of a prayer


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