Petes Weekly:Future Coming Towards You Too Fast

Your future is not something coming towards you faster than the bullet train. Rather it is a palette waiting for you to draw on it. Right now, for many of us, life is more Crappe Latte than Caffe Latte. For some reason most of us are unhappy about the state of our finances, the state of our countries, and, more than ever, the state of our future. 

(Despite CNN and the BBC being desperate to link my future to the recent spate of volcano activity in the pacific, lets be frank and agree that they are stretching a little. Other than the Mexican dinner I had last night those explosions have no bearing on my future.)

Each time a bump occurs on our journey through life it clouds the way we each see our future. (OUR future is different from THE future because we can only change OURS. We can choose to try and change the futures of others, or the Earth, or the Alligator Gar <> , but the only future we have any real grip on is OURS.) 

In my experience, there is no shortage of bumps. And if there aren’t any this year, we invent some. Which brings me to the point I really want to make. You are in the drivers seat of your own life. It is uncomfortable. That is because you must constantly make decisions. And we see decisions as fraught with the risk of failure. We South Africans are noisy, brash, brimming  with life, because we have grown up in a tougher environment. I think we are like grapes growing in rough soil, and that makes us hardy, and certainly hardier than most Europeans. Folk who read PetesWeekly do not go on strike because they want jobs. They knuckle down and create jobs, first for themselves, and then for anybody else who wants to work. (In case you are wondering, I do not believe many Portuguese, Italian, Greek or Spanish folk read PetesWeekly <> , and if they do, they are out working, not dancing in the streets.)

We are ready for those decisions, and while we may complain about them a lot, we can make them. It is that facet of South Africa that I miss the most: the people. No matter where you choose to live (and it really is your choice to make, even if you opt for your status quo) that choice is a compromise.You can marry a Durban girl who turns out to be Norwegian and end up living in one of the top rated countries on earth. Like me, I guess. (That top rating was not based on how exciting the country is, or the sandy white coastline, or the prices, or the joie de vivre of the people, and they forgot to factor in the 8 month winters.  I think SA would top the polls in all of those.) After living in three countries outside South Africa long enough to get a very good feel for each place, I can honestly say that I have had enough of moving around. One of our kids needs a special education, but when that is done, I plan on finding a quiet stretch of white sand in KZN to sit on all through my remaining winters. And summers, now that I think about it.

In the meantime, I plan on using this time offshore to help my clients use the web to its fullest to reach out into the rest of the world, while they’re sitting on some of that sand. And, of course, on getting back every six weeks for a Vitamin SA infusion. I feel like a little boy again I am so excited.

All the best

Peter Carruthers

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No Comments to Petes Weekly:Future Coming Towards You Too Fast

  1. Hi Peter .. Loved your article .,It’s amazing how some people can write something that is like a good song .that just keeps you listening (reading in this case ) . to the last note/ word . Bob Dylan had the same talent ..
    Hope to hear more from you
    Matt Hurter .