Aaron Bozwell Enters IDSS “Songwriters” Hall Of Fame

Aaron Bozwell has been inducted into the Independent Superstars “Songwriters” Hall of Fame. Frans Maritz (Wildhorse Entertainment) signed the official certificate placing Aaron into this prestigious organization located in South Africa. Aaron has the distinct honor of being inducted into the IDSS Hall of Fame for his life-time contribution to the Independent Music Industry as a Songwriter. Aaron is seen holding his award below in the animated Hall Of Fame, confirming his induction into the HALL OF FAME. “I am very honored to be voted into the IDSS Hall of Fame by the committee members. A special thanks goes out to Trevor Hooper of Perth Australia in respect to our music collaborations and also to Frans Maritz for all his efforts in promotion and radio distribution! I also want to thank all the fans of our music we’ve collaborated on over the last few years. Once again thanks so much and God bless!” Aaron Bozwell
Recording Artist AARON BOZWELL

Biography of Aaron Bozwell International Award Winning Songwriter
Aaron Boswell born in 1970, made music since the age of 4 years old. Currently 43 residing in Hendersonville, Tennessee USA
Aaron Bozwell is an American Artist who moved to Nashville at age 19 and signed his first publishing contract with the late Buddy Killen in 1992. He was signed to Curb Records from 1997-2000 Although Aaron’s legal birth name is Ronnie Aaron Boswell he has always been called by his middle name Aaron. He changed the spelling of his last name by replacing the ‘S’ with a ‘Z’ after learning of his family heritage and for promotional purposes.
As an Indepependent recording artists Aaron Bozwell has also been writing and recording hit songs independently since the early 2000. Aaron has sucessfully released almost two dozen independent recordings since 2018. Some of his latest and most successful singles include “SpellBound” of 2021, “Gonna Make a Memory”, “On An Ordinary Day” and “On The Wings Of Eagles”. all co-written by Trevor Hooper and released to radio through AirplayExpress which earned him Gold and Platinum awards. The mesmerizing voice of Aaron is complemented by his beautiful music that leaves anyone who hears it spellbound.It has been said that Aaron’s musical career is only just beginning, and much more will be added as he rises to the top of the charts throughout the world as more awards and accolades are received. Aaron thanks all radio stations who have included his releases to their radio playlists
“I feel the music, I write, record, perform, and publish my music. I am a fan and I am a professional. Cheers to love in life” – as quoted by Aaron Bozwell
Aaron Bozwell Hall Of Fame Award