Today’s Inspiration Station With Rhonnie Scheuerman

Today’s Inspiration Station With Rhonnie Scheuerman
Rejoce always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances
For this is God’s will for, Christ Jesus 1 Thessalonians 5″16-18
Author Tricia Goyer: It’s taken me a while to feel what that I understand prayer and to consider myself a praying person. Maybe it’s because of a misconception that prayer was an event. I felt it was something I needed to remember to tack on at the end of my day, just like brushing my teeth before bed. It was a time when I needed to be still and come before Jesus. There are times when I do that. I love quiet mornings on my couch. Sometimes I even get on my knees before Him, but Is grown to discover prayer is not an event, its a continual conversation.
In the last week I prayed when I started home schooling sever children at one time. (I prayer we’d all learn and get along.) This morning I prayed as I watched my son drive away in the rain. (I prayed for his protection and for a bubble to surround his car from crazy drivers.) Last night I prayed for a friend when she shared a need on Facebook I didn’t want until the next morning’ quiet time to pray. As I sat in front of my computer, I closed my eyes for a moment and I asked Jesus to be with her and to give her peace.
We don’t need to wait for a certain time of day to pray, instead we can go to Jesus anytime. Longer prayer times are important–so listen well as to make requests- but Jesus’s ear is always attuned to even our small requests.
Each of us can be a praying person, and today is a wonderful day to start.