Brad Tucker Hits #1 on AirplayExpress Top 20 Chart

AirplayExpress Top20 Airplay Chart for Week Brad Tucker At #1

This Weeks Top 20 See’s Country Legend “Brad Tucker “
Top the AirplayExpress chart for the second week with his #1 Hit
“Hearts Gone Stale“
Another #1 song by Brad Tucker
The number two spot this week goes to, “Nashville Star” and Lamon Records artists Buddy Jewell. Buddy is no stranger to the charts yet this is his first Top 10 hit on AirplayExpress There is a very strong possibility that Buddy’s song will go to #1 next week to the interest shown by the DJ’s for Buddy’s version of, Smokey Mountain Memories.”Only time will tell, and it certainly always does.
Personally I wish Jim Ed’s, “In Style Again” would stay on top of the chart forever, it is a great song and sung so beautifully and with so much emotion by Jim Ed. AirplayExpress wants to thank Allen Karl for having the initiative to put Jim Ed in the studio one last time and record this great number, for if Allen didn’t, we would not have had the pleasure of Jim Ed on this Top 20. “In Style Again” our #3 this week.
From all the Independent Artists, Wildhorse Entertainment, WHISNews21 and AirplayExpress we cannot be more pleased to have International Disc Jockey Ed Dailey counting down. Ed makes out chart sound as good as the “American Top 40 chart” Well with Ed Dailey formerly back in the saddle and running down the AirplayExpress Top 20 it is not surprising that more and more radio stations are picking up the weekly chart show and airing it on their networks worldwide. The downloads of the AE Top20 is on fire every week and has forced us to increase our webspace to accommodate the high demand for downloads on the AirplayExpress Top 20.
Well after reading the above, the good news for the AirplayExpress Chart show is that radio stations are downloading the radio show and airing on their radio stations worldwide. Unfortunately not all stations are giving us the feedback we need to publish their names. This week the AirplayExpress Chart show was downloaded a record amount of times, yet only about a dozen stations confirmed their airing times and here are a list of those who have confirmed: Nashville Broadcasting Radio Network NBRN.FM, NashvilleTN Country Radio, Downsouth Country, Strabane Radio, ECMA-Radio, Clogher Valley Radio, Irish Radio Scotland, WHIR Wildhorse Internet Radio, Radio Wellenflug, GIRA Germany Internet Radio Association and KATQ Radio Montana.
Please note the songs below are not linked to the downloads, as these songs can only be downloaded by AirplayExpress members being Disc Jockey’s, Radio Station, Promoters, Artists, Recording Companies or fans who have permission from their Idols. You are invited go to the AirplayExpress web site and register as a member and add your profile free for now. AirplayExpress delivering Your Music Worldwide.
Please note that some artists only allow their music for free download to radio professionals
Check out this weeks TOP 20 On Page 7 of the WHISNews21 magazine below
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