Marty's Prayer Line for Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

If you have a prayer or a thought that you want to mention here or send to someone who you believe is deserving please use my column to reach special people who would go out of their way to say a special prayer on your behalf for that someone you care about – Marty Martel
WHISNews21 Prayer Line and thoughts for yesterday, today and tomorrow by Marty Martel..
Hey Marty, My nephew down in Athens, Ga. has just found out that he has cancer. Through out his body. Lungs, liver, chest etc. He has been given 3 months to live. Please pray for him, Harvey James, and for his parents and family. Thank you – Neal James
Please continue to keep in your prayers and prayer lines, Gene Kennedy’s daughter who had a serious automobile accident and will be undergoing surgery. Your prayers are so important.
Prayer to Dedicate This Day to God: Holy God, as I face another day, I know I am going to face many challenges:To my faith, to my patience, to my love for others. I am going to have constant temptations to lapse into sin. Come to me now, Lord, and stay with me all day. Let your Spirit encompass my mind. Let me know your presence. Steer my hand, direct my words, guide my thoughts in everything I think and say and do. I resolve to live this day as a beacon of your glory, the best I can, with your help. I commit myself to give this day to you.In the name of Christ, be with me and help me – Amen
If you have anyone you would like to send a prayer out to please mail them to
for inclusion in to WHISNews21 weekly prayer line initiated by Marty Martel
in the interest of goodwill to all in need of a little help by the way of a prayer