Jim Rose Remembers Radio August 26, 2103

BIG BOPPER JR. PERISHES In 1971, Don McLean’s hit tune American Pie says the music dies on February 3, 1959 when fellow Rock-and-Roll stars Buddy Holly, J.P. [The Big Bopper] Richardson and Ritchie Valens take their last breaths in a plane crash in Clear Lake, IA. The son of The Big Bopper who spends his life living under the legacy of his Rock-and-Roll dad passes away at 54 on Wednesday, August 21, 2013 in a Houston, TX hospital after a long illness. A memorial service is scheduled at 12:30 pm August 31st in Houston for Katy resident Jay Perry Richardson at Memorial Oaks Funeral Home. His dad, The Big Bopper, records the hit single Chantilly Lace before he dies in a small plane crash in Iowa. Pilot, Roger Peterson, also dies in the crash.
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AMERICA’S SONG BIRD TWEETS NO MORE In 1967 we DJs on WFAA-820 and WFAA-570 in Dallas, TX are thrilled to spin a new record by a new group The Stone Poneys whose lead singer, Linda Ronstadt, has the voice of an angel. Around Christmas 1974, Linda’s first #1 tune as a solo artist is a tune that has a marvelous guitar riff by Andrew Gold, You’re No Good. Ronstadt continues into 1989 with 10 Top 10 songs. But on Friday, August 23, 2013 in an interview with AARP Linda reveals that she has Parkinson’s. She says she receives a diagnosis of the neurological disorder eight months ago. Linda says that several years ago she begins to experience symptoms, hand tremors and trouble controlling the muscles that let her sing. The 67-year-old music legend says now she can’t sing a note.
A CHANGE IS GONNA COME TO CHICAGO TV Bob Sirott, co-anchor of WFLD-TV Fox CH 32 Chicago, IL 9:00pm newscast for over three years, exits the first week of September 2013. Bob lobbies WFLD-TV management to replace his co-anchor Robin Robinson with his wife who is a former WFLD TV news anchor herself. But his plea is not to be. Sirott’s FOX TV contract expires the beginning of July 2013. He remains with an extension but that ends soon. Sirott continues to co-anchor FOX TV CH 32’s 9:00pm newscast with Robin Robinson through September 5th. Sirott’s replacement is Jeff Herndon, who comes to the Windy City from KAKE TV ABC CH 10 in Wichita, KS. Herndon’s first day on WFLD-TV is October 1, 2013.
ABC HAS BAD NEWS FOR EMPLOYEES The Los Angeles Times reports that as part of a restructuring of operations, layoffs are on their way to the Disney/ABC Television Group, plus many at the ABC owned stations. A person who is familiar with the situation says about 175 jobs are expected to be cut through layoffs or from not filling open positions. The Disney/ABC Television Group has around 7,600 employees. A Disney/ABC Television Group spokesman relates: As technological advances continue to alter the competitive landscape and viewer habits, it’s incumbent upon us to stay ahead of the curve. To that end, we’ve undergone a review of our organizational structures and processes, and have re-imagined and realigned certain areas and functions.
TRIVIA QUESTION: Who or what is Bamboo Harvester? The answer appears below.
•HAPPY BIRTHDAY! *Jerome Davis Saturday, August 24th. *Red Jones Georgia Radio Hall Of Fame member Wednesday, August 28. •MICHELLE DONALDSON exits Arizona’s oldest television station KPHO TV CBS CH 5 Phoenix, AZ after five years as news director on September 9, 2013 for new mission as news director of KOB TV NBC CH 4 Albuquerque, NM. •BOB O’DELL replaces John Kelly as new PD of Classic Rock KGGO FM (94.9) Des Moines, IA. •JIM ROSENFIELD exits NBC-owned WRC TV in Washington, D.C. for 4pm, 6pm and 11pm weeknight anchor post on WCAU TV NBC CH 10 Philadelphia, PA starting September 9, 2013.
•1956 KREY TV CBS/NBC CH 10 in Montrose, CO begins broadcasting on August 26th. •1961 JIMMY OLANDER guitarist with Diamond Rio (Meet In The Middle #1 for 2 weeks-1991) born on August 26th in Minneapolis, MN. •1978 CHARLES BOYER French actor Gaslight (1944) and Rogues (1964) dies at 78 on August 26th. •1982 LEANN RIMES (age 13 wins Grammy for Best New Artist) born on August 28th in Jackson, MS. •1995 RONALD ANTHONY WHITE singer co-founder of The Miracles dies at 57 on August 26th. •2000 PAM TILLIS performs Maybe It Was Memphis on August 26th as she joins the Grand Ole Opry.
FRANK B. WRIGHT (Dallas, TX/Blowing Rock, SC) Subject: internet radio station recommendation. Hi Jim, For those of us who enjoy listening to a good, old fashion morning show with a disc jockey that has personality and who actually talks to you, I’d like to recommend humboldt101.com. They broadcast from Arcata, CA but the morning show is done live 6-9am Pacific time (8-11am Central) from Ontario Canada. Don Andrews, the morning man, does the show from Studio B (which stands for “basement”). No commercials, great easy listening music from an enormous library. I’ve been listening all summer with the music playing through the house intercom. It’s radio like it used to be! Frank B. Wright
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DAN LOVETT [ex WABC TV & KTRK TV sports anchor] (Houston, TX) Subject: Davis. Jim, Sorry to hear about Danny Davis. He is from my home town of Payette, Idaho. We both started in radio there…but not at the same time…he once dated my sister Kay…they were four years behind me in high school…and by the way, I will see Davis at his and my sister’s class reunion on September 21 in Idaho…it is their 50th class reunion… don’t know if you heard…but my old radio friend…R.B. McIntire who was on KILT for years and years…just had successful triple-by-pass surgery. dan
BREAKING NEWS! JRRR IS NOW IN THE ALL NEW RECORD WORLD MAGAZINE! Click on the links page www.recordworldmagazine.com/Links.html and go right to Jim Rose. CASH BOX MAGAZINE FEATURES JRRR EVERYDAY ALL WEEK LONG http://cashboxmagazine.com/ Click the Jim Rose Remembers Radio Banner on the Home Page. Send Your Radio News And Comments To Rosekkkj@earthlink.net.
JOHN DENNEY [former KPRC TV Eyes of Texas] (Greenville, TX) Hi Jim. I started in radio at KGVL in Greenville, Tex., moved to Houston in 1963 to attend the University of Houston and worked first at KHUL-FM, then was hired as the first announcer at KXYZ-FM in about 1964. A few years later, Milt Willis and I moved to KODA. He worked mornings and I worked afternoons. Around 1967 I was hired at KPRC radio by Ray Miller. Fred Edison at KPRC taught me how to shoot film and after a year or so, Miller moved me to the television side. When Frank Dobbs left KPRC-TV, I took his place on the Eyes of Texas show. I left KPRC in 1977 and bought a weekly newspaper near Dallas. Two years later, I sold it and moved back into television in news and station management, working in Wichita, Kansas, Milwaukee, Eau Claire, Wisc. and Lincoln, Neb. I found your site while trying to find the real name of Jack London. I knew him as Sam but I could not remember his last name. I met him when he worked at KTHT and then we worked together at KPRC. I enjoyed listening to the air checks on your site. On one, for KILT, it began with news and the announcer was Rick Fulgrum (not sure of the spelling). Rick hired me when KXYZ-FM signed on. Thanks. John
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JIM GOUGH [‘Mr. Texas’-movie actor-voice actor] (Austin-Liberty Hill, TX) Subject: Jim Rose Remembers Radio (#1226) August 19, 2013 [Monday] Jim…that’s awful news about my old friend Paul Berlin. Dave Morris who owned KQUE/KNUZ was very proud of him! He was Houston’s favorite DJ for a long time! Everyone should pray for Paul. Jim Gough
TRIVIA ANSWER: Bamboo Harvester is the real name of the star palomino talking horse in the TV series Mr. Ed. Movie cowboy star Allen [Rocky] Lane is the voice of Mr. Ed. The popular CBS TV series runs from January 5, 1961 to February 6, 1966. Mister Ed’s owner is Wilbur Post played by Alan Young.
CHUCK DUNAWAY [ex KBOX-1480, KLIF-1190, WABC-770] (Houston-Katy, TX) Subject: Ken Dowe. One little Ken Dowe story is about the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby. It was shown live on Dallas TV and I recognized Ruby when he did shoot Oswald. Ken came to my house a few minutes after it was shown on TV and I told him that I recognized Jack Ruby as the shooter. All the KLIF DJ’s knew Jack Ruby because he’d come to the station with sandwiches and stuff and write Carousel Club on the big blackboard in the control room hoping to get a free plug. Anyway, when Ken was testifying before the Warren Commission he mentioned that I was the first to tell him that Ruby was the shooter. I was called by the FBI and asked why my phone number was in Ruby’s book, but it went no further. Thanks to Ken I was mentioned in the Warren commission report.
EARL WARREN [Chief Justice of the United States] (March 19, 1891 to July 9, 1974) We may not know the whole story in our lifetime.
Jim Rose and Lacy
Houston, Texas – Laus Deo