Judy’s Notes: A Few Little Stories and Bits

Rhonnie Scheuerman and I co-wrote a new song titled GOOD ‘OLE TENNESSEE BOY, which we’d planned to release as my May single release; however the tracks didn’t get done on time. I’ve decided to release again the March single, COME ON HOME, MY SOUL’S ‘A DYIN’, to keep the momentum going with airplay. As I wrote last time, it was on the charts overseas with mostly mainstream artists when first released; and is the song my brother, John Ernst (a DJ in PA) and his son Derek (my nephew) said was the best song I’d ever recorded. Phil Coley (who played all the instruments except the fiddle) produced the music and Allan Bradley Licht produced the vocals, when I was in Orange Co, CA visiting my daughter, Amy, who lived there at that time.
Video for my May single release (COME ON HOME (MY SOUL’S ‘A DYIN’) is in the next column. I hope you’ll check it out. I’m so very grateful to all the DJs who played my two Easter songs (MY SAVIOR’S PRECIOUS BLOOD & CHURCH CALLED THE RISEN SON) as well as earlier released songs. I cherish each and every one of you!!
Stay tuned to learn more about the June release, GOOD ‘OLE TENNESSEE BOY.
As you know I usually write about those in the music industry in my Spotlighting column however this time I want to spotlight two men who’ve been a blessing to me recently. One is my new doctor, Chris Sembera, who is an alternative doctor from Norcross, GA and comes to my area on Thursdays. I’m feeling so much better than earlier. The other person is my childhood friend and neighbor, David R Barnhart, with whom I’d lost touch. Imagine how surprised I was to learn he’s a well-known pastor, who’s written 4 books and led 29 tours to the Holy Land! He also sends out a newsletter 5 or 6 times a year, which is very informative & interesting reading… and it’s free. I’ll write how to get it in the spotlighting column.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t add that I have a great chiropractor, Clifford Griffin, who practices on S. Enota Drive, here in Gainesville, GA. Ph: 770 532-484. Seeing a chiropractor on a regular basis is very important to one’s health. Bill used electrodermal screening at his Chiro office in FL and we know how important it is. Before we had to drive to to FL once or twice a year, to see the doctor who trained our girls in this. Chris Sembera and Dr. Griffin keep me in tip-top shape! If you don’t have anyone in your town or city who does the type of testing that Chris does, put electrodermal screening in an online search and find one who is within driving distance. I go to medical doctors also for annual checkups, but their drugs just relieve symptoms, whereas the alternative doctors use techniques and methods that restore health naturally.
Special thanks to Frans Maritz for posting my newsletter at his WHIS NEWS 21 site. He calls it “Judy’s Notes” and it is posted in segments over a number of days after I release it in this newsletter format. I’m very grateful to Frans for doing this. He is sooo hard-working and supportive of Indie artists, songwriters, promoters, etc. I worry so much him and his lovely wife Cathy, as they live in South Africa, where there are murders every day. I’m happy to report they’re coming to America in May. They also have some great news to share, which I’m including in Friends with News column.
Yes, I’m truly blessed and have so much to be thankful for as do so many of us. We all need to be grateful and thank the good Lord each & every day. Have a fun spring and summer.
See ya next time! Blessings ‘n hugs,
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Thanks so much, dear Frans, for posting my bi-monthly newsletter in segments here at WHIS NEWS21. I’m so grateful as are the folks I write about. You’re the best editor I know and it’s a great feeling to be included in your online newspaper. I pray for your safety there and for travel mercy when you come to America. Blessings and God speed for your journey, Judy