Wyn Machon Tell’s It Like It Is On WHISNews21

WynMachonColumn001Wyn Machon Tell’s It Like It Is On WHISNews21

Wyn The  Song You Just Played Is Wonderful The Words Are Simply Amazing


WynMachonColumn002Well to day I will change tack, and not be negative, hard for me I know. As you know I mentioned a lot about slow dreary songs, Well every now and again I will be going through songs sent by mp3 or on a cd ,when all of a sudden your mind kicks in as you take in the words of the song plus the rhythm.

Its then you know you are hearing a special song, one that is going to have listeners asking to hear it more. I love it when one of these songs hits the air ways and my phone rings straight after the song finishes and I get, Wyn that song you just played is wonderful the words are simply amazing. What else can you say but thank you and glad you enjoyed it.

The biggest problem is that these wonderful songs are so few and far between. No! I am not going to mention songs or writers by name as that would not be ethical, but for me these songs go into a special folder called, and strange as it may seem, My Special Songs.

Have great week and may the sun always shine on you .. cheers Wyn

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