Judy's Notes: Spotlighting Friends And Latest News
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Ronda Rich: From Clarmont, GA, my writer friend Ronda Rich, who has columns in many newspapers in the southeast (Dixie Divas), numerous self-help books, a weekly newsletter which I love to read, also has a novel,“The Town That Came ‘A Courting” that was made into a movie this summer. I own this great book along with 4 other titles and I recommend them highly. The movie of her novel “The Town That Came ‘A Courting” (which is based on a true story about herself) will be on TV in January. Lauren Holly plays Ronda and Valerie Harper plays a lead part of the owner of a bed & breakfast where she stayed when she was in this southern town for a book signing. I can’t wait to see the movie! If you live in a southeastern town whose newspaper carries Ronda’s columns, do check them out. I love her weekly newsletter, which comes out on Wednesdays. Write to her: southswomen@bellsouth.net to subscribe.www.rondarich.com

Ray Lani – From Bayport, NY, Ray has another new CD, called COUNTRY HARDBALL, that has a catchy song by that title. Other catchy songs included on the CD are: I’m Too Young to be Old, Accept Everyone as They are Except Yourself, Brushing Teeth with Aydan and Let’s Hate Ourselves in the Morning, which is a great duet with Ann Pascoe. I identified with I Just Like Simple ’cause I’m a stay at home, country kind of girl he sings about! I’m not me Without You is a wonderful love song; Family is Forever is so touching and A Different King of Love is another great one! There are several more songs included also. Ray writes the lyrics, music and produces his songs (except the one with Ann Pascoe) plays all the instruments, except for the drums, which are played by his son, Ray Jr. Ray is multi-talented, is a wonderful writer and singer and I highly recommend this CD! Rmailto:Rayank@aol.com

Doris E. Hays: From Peoria, IL, writer friend,Doris is a prolific songwriter whose last CD MIRACLES FROM HEAVEN is exceptional.
I love the title of the album and also Dana Jordan’s rendition of the inspired songs Doris pens. All ten of them spoke to me and I found all of them enjoyable to listen to. If I were to mention some favorites… I’d say: Blessed Assurance, All is not Lost, Praise Our Lord, God is the Lightand Broken Lives. It hard to pick faves though as all are so special. Dana really put the messages across well and the listeneris assured that she means what she’s singing… the mark of a good artist. starpath@centurytel.net – Check out her music: http://www.dorisehays.com/

Kathleen Dyer: Kathleen, a dear cousin from Tacoma WA, is a great supporter of my music and I wanted to write about her in this column as I’m so proud of her. She’s had a bad year as far as her health goes, with several surgeries; yet this didn’t stop her from enrolling for an online college course this year. Brigham Young University (Idaho) was offering courses at a great price and she took advantage of it to take a Math course that she’ll need to complete her Psychology degree. She’s already completed her other courses, including her electives. Congrats, dear Kathleen! katyecan28@msn.com

Allen Foster Judy & Allen Foster @ Philly airport where they met upon
her trip home from Europe, ’98
her trip home from Europe, ’98
Allen Foster: From Easterville, PA, Allen, songwriter, publisher, musician.. is always up to something new. Now he’s using his creativiity to review red carpet affairs. Here a link to read about one he did recently. This man amazes me! He has so many projects going on at any one time, it makes my head swim just reading about them: A1Foster@aol.com

Isn’t this a unique pic … of an equally unique wedding?

Ariana Mascellino: From Evans City, PA, Ariana is my brother John Ernst’s grand-
daughter who’s a very talented dancer. This is the 3rd year she has danced with her troupe in “The Nutcracker”. I was sent a picture of her in costume this year, but wasn’t able to get it to download for here.. I’m using another pic I’ve used before and also including a picture of her with her brother Alec when they both wore casts this summer. Her’s was from dancing and his injury was from playing soccer. mascellino5@yahoo.com

If you have news for this section, please let me know by March 15, 2014
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