Alabama’s ‘Roll On Eighteen Wheeler’ Can Flood Your Eyes With Tears

Alabama America’s Favourite Country Music Band For Over 50 years

“Roll On (Eighteen Wheeler)” is a song that will touch your heart bring a flood of tears flowing from your eyes. touching song. Below is a quick summary of the story behind Alabama number one hit song The father leaves for a trip through the Midwest for several days in the first verse. In the midst of their sadness, his children turn to their mother for comfort, and she does not hesitate to offer it. The only thing the children need to do is remember the song their father taught them.

A phone call is received from an unknown caller late at night by the mother in the second verse. Her husband’s semi trailer truck jackknifed in a snow bank around the interstate, according to the caller. After learning that the rescuers’ search for her husband had been halted by a punishing blizzard, the mother remained calm. Despite hearing that her husband is not in the local motels or houses, she remains confident.

There is no doubt in her mind that they will find her husband alive. The mother and her children pray for his safety as they wait for news. After a long night of worrying, sadness, and anticipation, the family sings the refrain of Alabama’s Roll On (Eighteen Wheeler).

The family waits for the next phone call, believing it will contain terrible news while believing that God, was listening to their prayers. Eventually the phone rings and to the Mother’s surprise it is her Husband on the line assuring her that he is safe. She is more surprised when he asked them if they were singing the song while the rescuers were our searching for him.

The Video Is Attached For Easy Viewing

– Legends Corner