Rodeo Girls Inducted In IDSS Hall Of Fame S.Africa

The Rodeo Girls has been inducted into the Independent Superstars “Linedancers” Hall of Fame. Frans Maritz (Wildhorse Entertainment) signed the official certificate placing The Rodeo Girls into this prestigious organization located in South Africa. The Rodeo Girls has the distinct honor of being inducted into the IDSS Hall of Fame for their life-time contribution to the Independent Music and Dancing Industry. The Rodeo Girls seen in the picture below with the award confirming their induction into the HALL OF FAME. “Thank you so much for this award…WOW what a surprise and thank you for remembering us”, Lientjie Bayman (Rodeo Girls)
Biography of Rodeo Girls:
Since 1996 – Rodeo Girls and Rodeo Linedancers registered Bk the Only Professional linedancing group in South Africa of which Lientjie Bayman is the president and owner. The Rodeo Girls do not only perform professionally they also teach Linedancing and have workshops all over South Africa. The Rodeo Girls first started at the old Music Farm outside Pretoria South Africa with Matt Hurter. When Maureen their original teacher had to leave they asked Lientjie Bayman to carry on. Lientjie did just that and the Rodeo Girls went from strength to strength with God as their driver in all ways. Lance James South Africa’s most famous country singer and a true South African Country Music Legend, asked if they would join him on all his live shows, they felt very honoured and accepted. The Rodeo Girls have performed all over the world and appear regularly on South African TV stations. They are also very proud to announce that they have received many awards and are very humbled by each and every one of them. Lientjie Bayman the president of the Rodeo girls is the first to admit with a grateful heart, that all the Rodeo Girls, that have come and gone during the years, were the building blocks of the #1 Linedancing group in South Africa, the Rodeo Girls.
Super Musik, tolle Tänze und hübsche Frauen. Weiter so. Translation:
Great music, great dances and pretty women. Keep it up
Thank you to all involved with this very, very special award and introduction to the Hall of Fame, A Special thanks to Frans Maritz !! . If I may mention this, as it was not in our biography, we were the only Dancers from South Africa ever featured on the Phil Mack Country Show NATIONWIDE with GREAT county artists and we also received four AWARDS as introduction to the Hall of Fame in Austria , and back home we, The Rodeo Girls were the only dancers who ever received a Solidarity Award …. ALSO 2 time winners with ULTIMATE GOLD (99 %) and special awards at the American Dance Awards, 2010 in Orlando Florida and 2013 in South Africa at Sun City . And like our biography says my dancers were GREAT and i would like to send a special THANKS to LANCE JAMES (our Big Daddy) for the trust he put in us. Love you all
As soon as I have a moment Lientjie I will update your bio, with the extra information. I am very pleased that you have supplied us the extra info, as many people worldwide want to know more about you and the Rodeo Girls.