Bradford Files: Words I See But just Don’t Like

There are several words or phrases that seem to keep croping up almost everyday of our lifes, that we all have to face from time to time which most of us, and especially I, dont like at all. 

Here is just a partial list that I have put together:

  1. Car payment
  2. Mailer-daemon
  3. Spam
  4. Late fees
  5. Abort
  6. Illegal function
  7. Virus
  8. Interest
  9. Accounts payable
  10. Alzheimer’s disease

Recently I asked my 6 year old Grand-son to tell me 3 things he didn’t like. 

Here is what he said:

  1. School
  2. Broccoli
  3. Girls

If you have the time you can post some of the words you dont like in the comment section.

The Bradford Files supplied by Keith Bradford Nashville Tennessee. Email Keith at

No Comments to Bradford Files: Words I See But just Don’t Like

  1. Keith I certainely hope that you can hold your breath long enough to swim out of this file (lol)